Societatea Sagia Conect SRL a fost infiintata in 2004.
Conceptul care a stat la baza infiintari societatii a fost acela de business integrat, astfel ca incercam sa oferim servicii complexe si complete clientilor nostrii.
Traducem documente, manuale, carti, materiale informative si publicitare.
The company Sagia Conect SRL was established in 2004.
The concept behind the establishment of the company was that of integrated business, so we try to offer comprehensive and complete services to our customers.
We translate documents, manuals, books, informative reading materials and commercials.
Un departament de traduceri propriu s-a dovedit de multe ori a nu fi o alegere bună, având în vedere faptul că, de cele mai multe ori volumul de lucru nu este constant, iar costurile de salarizare nu sunt de neglijat. Soluţia este alegerea unui furnizor flexibil atât din punctul de vedere al termenelor de predare cât şi din punctul de vedere al preţului. Un partener de traduceri care să se familiarizeze cu cultura şi filozofia companiei şi să funcţioneze ca un departament al acesteia.Translation outsourcing An own translation department has often proven to be not a good choice, given the fact that, in most cases, the volume of work is not constant, and the payroll costs are not negligible. The solution is to choose a flexible service provider both in terms of deadlines and prices, a translation partner to become familiar with the culture and philosophy of the company and to operate as one of its departments. Avem o echipa entuziasta si muncim mult. Cautam oameni de incredere si care isi iubesc meseria. Chiar daca ai multa experienta sau esti doar la inceputul carierei, stim sigur ca iti va placea mediul de la noi si ca te vei simti bine. Putem sa adaptam jobul pentru tine, sau sa te ajutam sa te dezvolti si sa inveti. Daca vrei sa lucrezi la noi, trimite-ne un CV. Incearca sa scrii in CV-ul tau despre educatia si experienta ta de pana acum si spune-ne exact ce job crezi ca ti s-ar potrivi.We have an enthusiastic team and we work hard. We are looking for reliable people who love their job. Whether you have a lot of experience or you are just in the early career, we know for sure that you’ll enjoy our work environment and feel very well here. We can adapt the job for you, or help you develop yourself and learn. If you want to work with us, please send us a CV. Try to write in CV about your education and experience, and tell us exactly for what job you think you would be fit.
Coerenta (text tradus – text sursa), Termene (solicitate de client), Competitivitate (cel mai bun raport intre calitatea produsului finit si pretul platit de client)Coherence (between the translated text and the source text), Terms (requested by the client), Competitiveness (the best balance between the quality of the finished product and the price paid by the client)CTC