A fost o onoare sa colaboram si colaboram in continuare cu societati din aproape toate domeniile, printre care mentionam:
- SC Eurovenus SRL Deva
- San Paolo IMI Bank
- SC Danieli Romania SRL Bucuresti
- SC Danieli SRL Italia
- SC Ardis Metal SRL Deva
- SC Memory SRL Hunedoara
- SC Maritan SRL Hunedoara
- Institutul Multimedia Romano Elvetian
- Camera de Comert si Industrie Hunedoara
- AJFM Hunedoara
- SC BTG International SRL Hunedoara
- SC Sarmismob Deva
- SC Albes SA Hunedoara
- SC Tecnomarket SRL Italia
- SC Integral Chinciu SRL
- SC Item SRL Italia
- SC Extrainformatica SRL Italia
- SC Toc International Serv SRL
- SC Proserv SRL Hunedoara
- Muzeul Civilizatiei Dacice si Romane
- Tribunalul Hunedoara
- Judecatoria Petrosani
- Politia Hunedoara
- Politia Hateg
- Politia Deva
- Case de Avocatura
- Notariate Publice
It was an honour to collaborate and further collaborate with companies in almost all the areas, including:
- Eurovenus S.R.L. Deva
- San Paolo IMI Bank
- Danieli Romania S.R.L. Bucharest
- Danieli S.R.L. Italy
- VHCI Business Development Bucharest
- Nose2tail UK
- Ardis Metal S.R.L. Deva
- Memory S.R.L. Hunedoara
- Maritan S.R.L. Hunedoara
- Romanian Swiss Multimedia Institute
- Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Hunedoara
- County Agency for Employment of Hunedoara
- BTG International S.R.L. Hunedoara
- Sarmismob Deva
- Albes S.A. Hunedoara
- Tecnomarket S.R.L. Italy
- Integral Chinciu S.R.L.
- Item S.R.L. Italy
- Extrainformatica S.R.L. Italy
- Toc International Serv S.R.L.
- Proserv S.R.L. Hunedoara
- Museum of Dacian and Roman Civilization
- Court of Hunedoara
- Court of First Instance of Petrosani
- Hunedoara Police Dept.
- Hateg Police Dept.
- Deva Police Dept.
- Offices of Lawyers
- Notary Public Offices